New Landscaping

New Landscaping
Beautiful new landscaping

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


It was brought to my attention yesterday, that it might appear that there was not a tight connection between the Board's position on the communication of tuition increases and what was communicated on my last post and the tuition letter that went out last week. So let me add some context to the timing and re-state the rationale for the increases.

The Board and the Administration have a strong desire to carefully consider tuition increases to fund operational needs and growth opportunities as a third option after generating as much income from our pre school as possible and striving to add more students to our Maranatha family. This was clarified and stated in our Board meeting last Thursday, the 17th. The tuition letter had already been drafted and was caught just in time to add a sentence of explanation for the tuition increases.

The tuition increases were primarily due to two factors. The first reason was the majority of the cause. Our teachers and staff have not had pay raises in 3 years and with our pay scale significantly under schools in our area, we are at risk of retaining and attracting teachers and staff. They are the main face and personality of the school, so we felt it was a priority to reward them for their service. Secondly, we have developed a 5 year plan for maintaining and growing the effectiveness of the Maranatha experience. That was the other main cause for the tuition increase.

Please know that the Administration and staff are diligently monitoring expenses and making adjustments to keep costs down. And as I said in my last post, we will be aggressively seeking to minimize future increases by seeking to make our pre school return to its profitability of years past.

Please let me know if you have questions or feedback

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