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New Landscaping
Beautiful new landscaping

Thursday, August 19, 2010

August Board Meeting

I love it when God works His plans in spite of us. I spent a lot of time praying, thinking and planning things I would like to cover in the Board meeting tonight. Well, come to find out, God had a different order of events. Due to some scheduling conflicts, we did not get started until 15 minutes late and even then not all of the members were there. So we started with prayer, and what a wonderful time of encouragement and laying ourselves at His feet. Those of you who have heard me speak recently know that prayer is one thing I wanted to emphasize. Seems like God had already been working in all of the Board members drawing them into prayer before I said a word.

We then went through all of the committee reports which I have shared in previous posts and we are of one mind that we must keep the Mission as the main thing. Again, this was a point I wanted to emphasize, but Kevin Bergerhofer beat me to the punch and passionately made this point. Praise God! So his point was that we have limited resources - humanly speaking - we can not do everything. We can't even take action on every good or even great idea. So as we take on tasks or ask the administration to do things, we must continually evaluate whether we are advancing the Mission or distracting from it. Remember that our Mission is "to train and equip students for life and for service to Jesus Christ through a biblical worldview, character development, and academic excellence". And when parents choose to stay or to leave the school, we must take immediate action if they leave because we are not adhering to our Mission. If they leave because of extracurricular activities, finances, etc, we should only address those things if they don't distract from the main thing. Note that any thing we do, we should do with the best quality we can give it as long as it doesn't distract us from the main thing...catching a theme here?

So the only thing I had to cover was the emphasis on communication. We want to be present at as many activities as we can and voice a unity of voice about matters of the school. We want to listen to the concerns and needs of the Maranatha family. I believe everyone was in full support of it. In fact many demonstrated that commitment at recent events such as the ice cream social.

So a successful evening with all the credit to our Lord. Plus we were done in under 2 hours!

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