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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Preschool Makeover

Last Spring we hired a consultant, Christy Smith, to come look over our preschool from top to bottom: operations, marketing, personnel, etc. and give us an idea of what an outsider and an expert in the field thought we were doing well and what we could improve. Her SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats) analysis showed us a formula that would help us raise the preschool to a new level and help us attract additional families.

The Finance Committee was the sponsor for seeking this investigation and we met with Christy this past week to have her report on how she has helped the leadership and faculty in the preschool to take her SWOT analysis and convert it into action. We were delighted with the work that has been done and the structure that has been added. As Christy said, the level of caring and commitment to loving the kids is a wonderful strength that was evident and great foundation to build upon. We believe that as Mrs. Daughtery and Beth Fuller lead the preschool team to carry out and live the action plan set forth, we will continue to raise the quality and the attractiveness of the preschool. This will take the commitment of everyone involved with the preschool, and from Christy's report, the team is all in and enthusiastically striving to enact the plan.

The Board is very interested in this work as the preschool is the only place where we have open enrollment and therefore have the opportunity to minister to families that do not sign a like-faith agreement. In addition, the preschool serves as a major feeder into our kindergarten and an introduction to Maranatha to many families. Finally, the preschool is a significant profit generator which helps relieve upward pressure on tuition costs.

So when you have the opportunity, pray for, thank and encourage all those involved for their work on this important action plan. Also, stop by and see the visible changes that have been made to the classrooms. They look great - engaging, fun, and inspiring.

A quick sample of other focus areas:
* Implement additional structure for introducing new families to the school
* New ideas for marketing the school
* A structured process for following up on prospective families
* New plan for making the curriculum more visible and engaging
* Training for teachers in the new culture

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